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Zecharia Sitchin - Full Book Collection (mobi+pdf) (Size: 214.18 MB)
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The Lost Realms (Book IV)- Zecharia Sitchin.pdf8.27 MB
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The End of Days (Book 7)- Zecharia Sitchin.mobi13.61 MB
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The Lost Book of Enki -Zecharia Sitchin.mobi713.47 KB
The Lost Book of Enki_ Memoirs - Zecharia Sitchin.pdf1.26 MB
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The Earth Chronicles Expedition - Zecharia Sitchin.mobi7.41 MB
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Journeys to the Mythical Past - Zecharia Sitchin.pdf10.13 MB
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The Earth Chronicles Handbook- Zecharia Sitchin.mobi488.67 KB
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The Anunnaki Chronicles- Zecharia Sitchin.azw37.93 MB
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Friends, comrades, good people, I took it upon myself to compile the entire Zecharia Sitchin collection, in original kindle (+pdf converted) versions, because after buying and reading all the works of this brilliant man, I realized this knowledge is undoubtedly the most important knowledge one can obtain in this world, bar none - and it must be spread and shared far and wide. Please read this post in its entirety for it is VERY IMPORTANT. The sheer enormity and import of this information must not be underestimated nor dismissed flippantly as many fools will undoubtedly do. To do so is the utmost folly, which is rampant these days in a backwards world. Let me briefly preface this with a stark reminder.
Mainstream academia and so-called scholars of archaeology, Egyptology, and anthropology have incomplete, inconsistent, and frankly incorrect claims about the mysteries on this planet, chiefly regarding ancient knowledge and the vast monuments that they simply cannot explain. In the wake of having no answers for these enigmas they flippantly dismiss all ancient knowledge as “mythology” recorded by primitives, and criticize, ridicule, and attack any alternative theories that overturn their narrow minded view. Furthermore these mainstreamers mislead the public with their strict orthodox claims on the facts of history (an ultimate sin), and remain dumbfounded when asked difficult questions they have no real answer for, for instance: How do you claim that the pyramids of Giza were built by slaves with ropes and copper tools for a 'Pharaohs tomb', yet we cant replicate its complex construction today? or How do you explain the megalithic stones at Baalbek weighing over 1000 tons, which no crane or contraption we have today can lift, let alone move up mountain valleys and place precisely. or How do you account for the many other ancient megalithic sites like Macchu Pichu, Sacsahuaman, Tihuanaco, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, underwater temples off Japans coast, and many others that once again, we cannot replicate, and they remain mysteries. I could go on and on, but you will find that the answers to these questions will NOT be found in rigid mainstream academia which is a CULT, of people whose livelihood depends on clinging to old paradigms and beliefs, never budging until the truth becomes insurmountable and unavoidable. Remember that EVERY revolutionary thinker, innovator, or philosopher throughout history has been ridiculed, threatened, persecuted, even brutally killed by those who would seek to shut up any new information that overturns the established views and realize that the perpetrators of such atrocities are among the utmost evil men. Fortunately, as you will find, great thinkers are turning the tide against the ignorant masses in this age of enlightenment; and modern science is only catching up to ancient wisdom.
In fact, just as an aside, Sitchins and others view that another planet exists within our solar system far out in the deep beyond Pluto, termed 'Niburu' or 'Planet X' has long been criticized and ridiculed by so called scholars and naysayers, calling that a 'crackpot theory, hoax, or fantasy', simply because they claim there is no evidence as yet discovered by man. Until now. Recently, a new large planet was detected beyond Pluto, with a 'large elongated orbit' almost exactly as Sitchin described and predicted for many decades. (See https://www.caltech.edu/news...ence-real-ninth-planet-49523 ). They are calling this the '9th planet' or 'Planet 9', which is incorrect judging by the fact that the Sumerians indeed included Pluto in their depictions and mentions of 12 celestial bodies (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Niburu).
Whether or not this is the 'Niburu' as relayed by Sumerian and Babylonian texts remains unclear, yet of little import to this point. The point to be re-emphasized here is that science is never settled, and once again new discoveries are overturning old criticisms and established views, and science is only collaborating ancient texts once more. More discoveries in our solar system are inevitably coming, and Sitchins claims will be vindicated, though few will credit them except those with integrity. I am not claiming everything Sitchin theorized or suggested was 100% true, but no one can claim to be 100% true either – the thing is most of Sitchins discoveries have immense weight behind them, and make complete sense in light of all this evidence.
It must be reminded that Zecharia Sitchin's body of work is based upon thousands of sources, over 7 decades of zealous research of first and foremost the Hebrew bible, languages of Hebrew, English, and Akkadian (the mother language of all semitic languages like Hebrew, Assyrian, Hittite, Arabic, etc) and the ancient cuneiform languages of Sumer, Assyria, Egypt, and derivatives therefrom, artifacts, texts, and fortunately the libraries of tens of thousands of clay tablets uncovered at famous sites such as Mari and Nineveh. We are blessed to be able to glean massive amounts of information about these past cultures through the wealth of artifacts and the knowledge gained therefrom.
The circumstances of Sitchins upbringing were crucial to his life's work and merit emphasis here. The man lived to be 90 years old (1920-2010) and his first monumental book, The 12th Planet, was published when he was 56, building on 3+ decades of painstaking research undoubtedly required to decipher these ancient script languages from thousands of tablets and piece together the threads of truth (a skill obtained by extremely few) based on this ancient lore from the Near East and corroborating the original Hebrew Bible, this most precious knowledge that the wise ancients passed on to us for posterity. He also traveled to many of these ancient sites to research firsthand these enigmas – a true 'Indiana Jones' zealous trailblazer. While texts on paper and canvas withered and disappeared over millenia, the clay tablets, cylinder seals, and stone inscriptions luckily stood the test of time. It takes a real brilliant and open mind to have a gift for assimilating the many threads of truth in such easily misinterpreted areas as the Bible, ancient cultures and texts, and so-called mythology, without neither a hint of arrogance or religious dogma, a humble, dignified, and incredible talent unmatched by any.
Suffice it to say the works of Zecharia Sitchin and many other revolutionary thinkers and sources he drew from are overturning hard held beliefs and paradigms about past events, the origins of man and civilization, and of course the inexplicable enigmatic monuments around the world like the Great Pyramids, Stonehenge, Baalbek, Macchu Pichu, Gobekli Tepe, and many other ancient sites around the world, and how they are all connected to man's first high civilization, Sumer.
Embark on this quest to realize the esoteric knowledge of our true origins, the course of events from the beginning of our solar system and of man, the institution of priesthood and kingship and the rise and fall of kingdoms stemming therefrom, of cracking the mysteries of ancient monuments, and of course the role of the gods underlying this entire timeline. According to the information gleaned from the plethora of artifacts, tablets, monuments, inscriptions, biblical and other texts from primarily the ancient cultures of Sumer, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Assyria, Hatti, as well as Mesoamerican cultures such as the Olmecs, Toltecs, Aztecs, Maya, and the Incas of Peru, it should be re-emphasized that Zecharia Sitchins work, theories and profoundly compelling insights are based on a wealth of evidence and continual corroboration from many sources, including the many aforementioned foundational texts, writers and researchers (such as Samuel N Kramer, George Smith, E.A. Wallis Budge, Posnansky etc and modern writers: Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Michael Tellinger, and more) and additionally modern scientific discoveries.
The story of mans first high civilization that began in Sumer, around 4000 B.C., one must start from in order to zoom out and fully understand the timeline of our past. Fall short of this and your view of history is fragmented and incomplete, without the earliest known history as a foundation for all subsequent history. This is what makes this information so exciting to delve into, to get a grasp and clear perspective on the first ancient cultures, to finally understand the deepest mysteries that are shrouded in the mists of the past, find answers hitherto remaining elusive, and to know that a most worthy genius has made it his life's endeavor to untangle these threads of truth and weave them into a tapestry so remarkable as to leave all in awe of its brilliance.
I will leave you with what Zecharia Sitchin said was his most important realization and life's contribution from all the knowledge obtained by his extensive and painstaking assimilation of truth over all the decades, and that is this:
The totality of ancient knowledge of the gods and men that we have only recently uncovered and deciphered are NOT mythology and fantasy, they are real events as the people of the time experienced them and then recorded them so that future generations may realize the true past; and that 'modern science' is only catching up with and corroborating ancient knowledge.
I am humbled and honored to share this profoundly precious esoteric information, and I think Zecharia Sitchin would be happy to know his work was being spread worldwide for the betterment and enlightenment of mankind by an avid supporter of his work. These are the best, most incredible, and profound sources of knowledge I have ever and will ever read. I cant express how important this discovery has been to me, and my blessing is that I was able to understand this sacred knowledge before I leave this world, and help pass it on to others.
Lastly, please read every word of every book herein if you are as bold a truth seeker as I, and seed this far and wide, forever. Thank you good people very much for reading and seeding.
- PlantTruth
Zecharia Sitchin Bibliography – ( + Recommended read order: )
Earth Chronicles volumes
1. The 12th Planet – 1976
( The Lost Book of Enki – recommended to read the grammar edited version for clarity )
2. The Stairway to Heaven, 1980
3. The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985
4. The Lost Realms - 1990
5. When Time Began - 1993
6. The Cosmic Code - 1998
7. The End of Days: Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return - 2007
Companion volumes
1. Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge?- 1990
2. Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries- 1995
3. The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God - 2001
4. The Earth Chronicles Expeditions - 2004
5. Journeys to the Mythical Past - 2007
6. The Earth Chronicles Handbook – 2009 (Glossary reference)
7. There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA - 2010
8. The King Who Refused to Die: The Anunnaki and The Search for Immortality - 2013
9. The Annunaki Chronicles – 2015
Also, as a supplementary resource I highly recommend using the free App for android or iOS called Star Chart, a wonderful app you can use to learn about the ecliptic, the planets, stars, all the constellations, and how Sitchins information ties into the celestial nature of our planet and solar system. You will be thrilled to become a master stargazer and verify for yourself all of Sitchins knowledge of the solar system that was passed down to us from the ancient Sumerians, from the gods themselves.

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Zecharia Sitchin - Full Book Collection (mobi+pdf)

Zecharia Sitchin Knjiga.pdf Free Download Here Zecharia Sitchin - Dvanaesti Planet.pdf - Razotkrivenje http://razotkrivenje.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/zecharia. Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin, 130, download free ebooks, Download free PDF EPUB ebook. Twelfth Planet by Zecharia Sitchin, 130, download free ebooks, Download free PDF EPUB ebook. “The 12th Planet” is the critical sourcebook on the ancient astronauts–how they got there, when they came, and how their. The product of thirty years of intensive research, The 12th Planet is the first book in Zecharia Sitchin's prophetic Earth Chronicles series--a revolutionary body of work that offers indisputable documentary proof of humanity's extraterrestrial forefathers.

7 Oct En ó, Sitchin publico su primer libro, The 12th Planet (El 12vo Planeta), donde presento su hipótesis: Los Anunnaki, dice, son seres. 31 Oct Zecharia Sitchin – El 12 Planeta (spanish but with pictures). 1. EL 12º PLANETA The 12th Planet El primer libro de “Crónicas de la Tierra”. Archeological and Astronomical Papers – Sitchin and Harrington El Mundo Según Zecharia Sitchin El 12º Planeta. 2 El Libro Perdido de Enki.

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