It looks like B 245 T (shows the serial no. On four different parts of the gun). But The T could be a 1 or maybe a 7. Is there anyway to verify if the older parkers had letters in the serial no. Thread: Parker Hale M85 Serial Number Checks & Provenance on Manufacture (Records) These three belong to a friend of mine, any info would be gratefully received. Rifle - 00126F No trace of that one, don't know why. Rifle S/N 00135F Built on the 26th November 1986 into an Arctic body fitted with an Arctic Knob too.

Parker Serial Numbers Guitar

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Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Mr.RangoTango, Feb 17, 2014.

Parker Serial Number

Parker was founded by Ken Parker and Larry Fishman (of transducer fame) in 1993. [Source: Wikipedia]

Dating Parker guitars (from Wayback Machine)
On the Fly we use a six or seven digit serial number. All guitars made before 2003 will have the six digit code. The first 3 digits are the day of the year, the next two are the number in that days production, and the last digit is the year.

Parker Hale Serial Number Dates

Here’s a Fly serial number example:
Serial Number 001030
001=(Day of the year) January, 1st
03=(Number of guitar that day) Third
0=(Year) 2000
The NiteFly uses a different system using either a five or six digit serial number. The first one or two digits show the month, the third is the last number in the year, and the last three digits show the number in that months production.

Here’s a NiteFly serial number example:
Serial Number 117123
11=(Month) November
7=(Year) 1997
123=(Number of guitar that month) 123
The Fly Bass uses a six digit serial # where the first three digits are an internal code and the last three digits are the sequence number in production.

Parker Serial Number Lookup

Here’s a Fly Bass serial number example:
Serial Number 092075
092 = internal code
075 = number in the production sequence (75)

Parker Serial Number Date

Parker guitar catalogs and pricelists are at the Parker website.